Event Furniture Hire Tips

Event Furniture Hire Tips

If you are looking to hire a bar for a party, then chances are you are planning some kind of event - whether it be personal, or business related. It is likely, therefore, that not only will you have to consider bar hire but furniture hire as well. The right bar and furniture can really help to elevate your event from ordinary to memorable, for all the right reasons, but if you pick the wrong bar equipment hire company then you could ruin the whole event before it has started. If this is your first time hiring a bar, then it all probably seems a little daunting, but don't worry - we are here to help, and we even have tips for those of you who are bar hire pros.

Check out company testimonials

If you are booking a holiday, you will take a good look online at what it has to offer and perhaps ask people who you know have visited the location what their view is. The same research process should also apply to your event bar hire company as well; don't just pick the first one that you come across. You are probably going to be investing a chunk of money into your event, so make sure you look into them a little and check out the testimonials they have online. This should give you a feel for how reputable the company are, as well as whether they look after their customers or not.

Ask to see the stock

Any companies that hire out furniture for events, such as chairs and desks, will usually have a large amount of this type of furniture in stock. You should, therefore, be able to make an appointment with them to go and have a look at what they have in stock, how clean it is and whether it is in good condition or not. Use this opportunity to check out the staff as well - see how friendly and helpful they are, and also ask for an outline of how their delivery processes work - will they just deliver the furniture to your door, or do they offer a setup service as well?

Know your stuff

The more information you have about your event that you can pass on to your chosen mobile bar hire company the better. Have an event plan that is as detailed as possible including venue details, number of attendees, dates and so on. If you can let your chosen company know all of the details of your event as soon as possible, you will both be much better prepared on the day itself.

Check what your venue offers

Before you start ordering things from a furniture hire company you should have a clear idea of what is provided by your chosen venue, as some venues may include some furniture in their hire price, whereas others will just provide you with an empty space. If you want to help your budget to spread as far as possible, then there is no point hiring pieces that your venue already has - as long as the style of furniture they have matches the style of your event.

Talk to the experts

Different events have different needs - a wedding, for example, is much more complex to furnish than a corporate event in general, as weddings not only need furniture they also require room dressing, linens, chair covers, cutlery and so on. This is why you should always talk to a specialist in the area, such as Bars2You.com who have lots of experience and can help you to make sure you have thought of everything.

The team here at Bars2You will always go the extra mile to make sure your event is a huge success, so please get in touch with us today for a free quote. You can call us on 01925 633 131 or email us at enquiries@bars2you.co.uk

  • Oct 03, 2018
  • Category: News
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