Bars 2 You at The Manchester Moon Rise Run this April

On Saturday 18th April Bars 2 You will be at the Manchester 5k Moon Rise Run, keeping the thirst of the athletes and spectators quenched all night long. The event itself includes a run along beautifully lit paths throughout Heaton Park that are illuminated by LED lights and wristbands worn by the competitors. The aim of the event is to be fun, so don't worry if you're not an experienced runner, it is for both competitive athletes and complete starters, so why not go along with some of your friends, get sponsored and raise money for charity!
After the run there will be a festival where you can enjoy great food, fantastic music and a wide selection of beverages provided by Bars 2 You. We have lots of experience delivering outstanding festival bar hire packages, take a look at our gallery and discover what we have provided for thirsty music fans in the past. Our perfect testimonial rate makes us an ideal choice for lots of different events since we can personalise our menu and even the colour of our LED illuminated bars to suit the particular occasion. Bars 2 You constantly deliver an excellent standard of customer service and have the skills and experience to deal with large numbers of guests.
Click here to purchase tickets - Prices are £32.00 for individuals and £18.00 for spectators. Purchase today and you'll receive an exclusive t-shirt wristband and entry to the post run festival.
Enjoy tasty street food and delicious soft drinks, beers and more with festival bar hire from Bars 2 You at the Manchester Moonrise Run on the 18th April 2015